Health News


  • The tobacco talk

    The tobacco talk

    Two-Way Discussion Street to Steering Kids Away from Smoking The Bureau of Tobacco Prevention Program’s Tobacco Free Florida campaign is designed to boost the ranks of Floridians whose health and lives can be enhanced by living without tobacco – including teens and young adults. Health Department Director and USF faculty Dr. Daniel Haight encourages parents…

  • Fast-track to fit or dead end?

    The Truth About Minute Fitness Plans Got a minute? That’s about the only amount of time left in today’s fitness world that is not attached to any workout. From coast to coast in advertisements on television to the Internet, fitness centers and home DVD companies are offering a myriad of exercise programs that are getting…

  • Bone-up to avoid osteoporosis

    Helping women (and men) maintain healthy bones Many people have heard about osteoporosis. However, experts say most people are undereducated about this common affliction. “The most negatively impactful myth is that osteoporosis is a disease that afflicts very elderly women and that it is an inevitable effect of aging,” says Thomas W. Oates, MD, a…


  • Heartburn and the Holidays

    Heartburn and the Holidays

    The holiday season is upon us and for many, it is a time of indulgence as well as celebration. At such times, heartburn and acid reflux can become more of a problem for folks who suffer from these chronically, or even for those who do not. Heartburn is a symptom caused by stomach acid irritating…

  • Oral Hygiene Tips for the Cooler Months

    Oral Hygiene Tips for the Cooler Months

    When it’s cold outside, exposed skin isn’t the only part of your body that can suffer from a drier climate. Your mouth and oral hygiene can suffer as well, and it is important to remain proactive in keeping your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy during the colder months. Here are a few common issues that are…

  • Learn About LASIK and Other Refractive Procedures

    Learn About LASIK and Other Refractive Procedures

    Refractive surgery is designed to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism to effectively reduce dependency on eyeglasses and contacts. The most popular refractive procedure is LASIK, which stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. It involves shaping the cornea using a laser. Other refractive procedures include photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and refractive lens exchange (RLE). Those…

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