Health News


  • The gloves are on

    Fighting back with risk assessment and prevention The greatest risk factors for breast cancer are being female and getting older. For women living in the United States, breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer next to skin cancer. It is also the second leading cause of cancer deaths next to lung cancer.…

  • Mammogram memo

    How often should I get checked? One in eight women will get breast cancer in their lives. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women. One way to improve these outcomes is by having appropriate screenings whereby we are able to detect cancer earlier. Mammograms can be uncomfortable for many women and…

  • Today’s breast conserving measures

    Today’s breast conserving measures

    The then and now of treatment and surgery Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. Each year 1.3 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer and the incidence of breast cancer increases with age; more than 80 percent occur above age 50 and 35 percent above age 70. There are many diagnostic…


  • PCMA Letter: Getting the word out

    PCMA Letter: Getting the word out

    OCTOBER is Breast Cancer Awareness month and, to help educate the community about early detection, this edition features some important stories you’ll want to read. We at the Polk County Medical Association (PCMA) are here to help educate and equip the members of our community to live healthier lives, and subsequently, hopefully prevent serious illnesses…

  • Family Health: Steps for a breast self-exam

    Family Health: Steps for a breast self-exam

    ABOUT ONE IN EIGHT U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. There are a few things that can be done for early detection, such as an at-home breast self-exam. This exam helps women know what is normal for them. They can then report any changes to their healthcare provider.…

  • Healthy Skin: Taking action against acne

    Healthy Skin: Taking action against acne

    IT’S TIME for back to school, and for teens with acne, this can be even more stressful. Acne is the papules and pustules that develop on the face, back, and chest usually at the onset of puberty. It is not uncommon to have acne as early as 10 years of age. Normal onset is between…

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