Health News


  • Behind the wheel of a Fiat 500

    Fine craftsmanship meets award winning safety features The Fiat was first manufactured in Italia in 1899 and introduced into America 27 years ago. Now, it has made a come back in America as the Fiat 500. The Fiat 500 was manufactured in Europe in 2007 and over 500,000 of the 500s have been sold since.…

  • Workout mistakes to avoid

    Follow these tips to maximize your exercise routine When we exercise to lose weight, we may overlook an important weight-loss strategy: Food. “If we don’t eat, we decrease our workout or exercise potential,” says Marc A. Boults, a doctor of physical therapy and certified athletic trainer at Lakeland Regional Medical Center. For short workouts that…

  • The key to staying young

    Maintaining social ties is important for seniors’ health We are sociable beings. As we age, our need for interaction only increases. When a spouse dies, or siblings and friends die, we need support more than ever. Keeping active socially is important to keep an individual healthy. “It almost works like a group therapy,” says Dr.…


  • Seborrheic Dermatitis: A Complicated Name for a Common Condition

    Seborrheic Dermatitis: A Complicated Name for a Common Condition

    Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that causes red, scaly, itchy patches of skin on the scalp and other areas of the body. According to the National Library of Medicine, about 3 to 10 people out of 100 are affected by this chronic condition. It’s more common in men than in women, and it…

  • For Brighter Skin, Choose Microdermabrasion

    For Brighter Skin, Choose Microdermabrasion

    Looking for more youthful, fresh, glowing skin? If you don’t have time to let your face recover from a more invasive procedure but still want a more even skin tone and revitalization, then microdermabrasion might be the treatment for you.

  • How Are AV Fistulas and Grafts Formed?

    How Are AV Fistulas and Grafts Formed?

    Last month, I talked about why a patient might need to undergo arteriovenous fistula surgery. This month, let’s take a look at how AV fistulas and grafts are formed.

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