Health News


  • Talking to your teen can make a difference

    New Data Reveals Teen Pregnancy Rates Have Fallen in Polk County For the past decade, the teen pregnancy rate in Polk County has been among the top in Florida, but the latest figures show the rate has dropped. “Community partnerships and civil dialogue has worked to lower teen pregnancy,” says Dr. Daniel Haight, director of…

  • Kicking the smoking habit for good

    A resolution easier said than done, but not impossible With the holidays behind us, we stand at the threshold of another New Year. In an effort to improve our lives over the next 12 months, we’ll make resolutions that if achieved would make a difference for the better. If yours is to get healthy, fantastic!…

  • When less is more in exercise

    When less is more in exercise

    How to boost the health benefits of your workouts It’s easy to fall into the routine of walking or jogging at the same pace every time. But to get the most of our exercise regimen, we need to challenge ourselves. “The number one thing to do is to increase the intensity that you work out…


  • Signs & Symptoms: Practicing safety & preventing the little known CMV Virus

      The Varicella-Zoster Virus causes chicken pox and the painful rash, shingles. The Epstein-Barr Virus is associated with mononucleosis, an infection known as the kissing disease. Then there’s CMV, the lesser-known cytomegalovirus, which joins them as a herpes viruses. Most people who catch CMV don’t know they have anything, at least nothing more than a…

  • Common ground found regarding the 1099 rule

    Common ground found regarding the 1099 rule

      It is very seldom that the two political parties of our country join together in a bipartisan fashion. The former 1099 rule of the new health care bill, however, did just that. Many of the leaders from both parties rallied behind the cause to remove this particular rule from being mandated as part of…

  • Take these two pills of commentary and call me in the morning

    Take these two pills of commentary and call me in the morning

      You Spoke, We Listened In our last online poll at, we asked what you wanted to read about most for your health. The top answer was no surprise to me: Disease Prevention. As a person who cares about your health and that of your children’s, you don’t just want to know how to…

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