Health News


  • Prevention and treatment for stretch marks

    Are you spinning your wheels over striae? Ahhh, stretch marks. Those dreaded angry red, purple or pink squiggles that typically show up over hip bones, on thighs and underarms, or across bellies, breasts and bottoms. When you’re pregnant, you’re more susceptible because of inevitable weight gain. So what’s a gal to do? Unfortunately, there’s no…

  • One U.S. veteran and his life of service

    Navy hero William D. Brinson honored by cornerstone SALUTES! Little did William D. Brinson know upon graduating St. Bernard High School in Alabama that he would live through war and into his senior years only to fight cancer. After his departure from his ordained seminary education, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1953, and…

  • Q & A on fertility problems for him

    Dr. Sijo J. Parekattil talks diagnosis and treatment For a couple trying to conceive, the realization that there may be a physical problem preventing conception can be devastating. Infertility affects approximately 6.1 million individuals throughout the United States. However, the diagnosis doesn’t mean impossible and for couples in Polk County, help is, literally, right around…


  • Word of Mouth: When it’s NOT good to be sensitive!

    Word of Mouth: When it’s NOT good to be sensitive!

    Sensitivity is a desirable trait in many situations these days, but that’s definitely not the case when it concerns your teeth. Experiencing continued sensitivity in your teeth is a sign that something is wrong in your mouth. If you experience pain or sensitivity while brushing and flossing, or have hypersensitivity to hot or cold, then…

  • Medical Advice: Addressing childhood obesity NOW to avoid disease LATER

    Medical Advice: Addressing childhood obesity NOW to avoid disease LATER

    Healthcare is becoming more expensive every year. In 2010, the United States spent 17 percent of its budget on healthcare costs. By 2016, that number is expected to rise to 20 percent. Chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, account for the majority of the national health expenditures.

  • Ask a Nurse: My final column in CFHN— But more to come online!

    Ask a Nurse: My final column in CFHN— But more to come online!

    Hello my fellow Floridians. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for taking the time to read my columns over the past year and encourage you to visit our website for my new monthly discussions at

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