Health News


  • Mommy makeover

    Regaining your shape after baby After the excitement of birthing a baby, women face an inevitable reality: the post partum belly. It takes time for the body to readjust, but there are ways to hasten weight loss and regain your figure more quickly. The good news is some of it comes naturally. Instead of lifting…

  • Exercise on the brain

    How to keep your mind in shape You’ve heard the expression “use it or lose it.” The advice is especially pertinent for adults in their 40s and beyond. That’s because our brains begin to shrink at that age, points out Dr. Herminio Cuervo, a Lakeland neurologist and Polk County Medical Association member. “It’s just like…

  • Prevention and treatment for stretch marks

    Are you spinning your wheels over striae? Ahhh, stretch marks. Those dreaded angry red, purple or pink squiggles that typically show up over hip bones, on thighs and underarms, or across bellies, breasts and bottoms. When you’re pregnant, you’re more susceptible because of inevitable weight gain. So what’s a gal to do? Unfortunately, there’s no…


  • Word of Mouth: Myths about implants debunked, part II: Are they effective?

    Word of Mouth: Myths about implants debunked, part II: Are they effective?

    Working like your own teeth, dental implants are imbedded in your jaw bone; they offer a superior option over bridges and dentures. Implants look and feel like your natural teeth, but you may worry that they won’t be effective long-term. Look to the facts when considering the effectiveness of implants. Myth: Dental Implants are too…

  • Ask a Nurse: Alzheimer’s is Type 3 Diabetes!

    Ask a Nurse: Alzheimer’s is Type 3 Diabetes!

    In 1906, a German neuropathologist Dr. Alois Alzheimer first identified what is now considered Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). He was caring for a middle-aged woman suffering from memory loss and disorientation.  Just a short five years later, the woman passed away after enduring the torment of hallucinations and symptoms of dementia. Currently “the presence of neurofibrillary…

  • Publisher’s Note: Update on Florida Health Choices

    Publisher’s Note: Update on Florida Health Choices

    In early March, became live.  It is the website devoted to Florida Health Choices (the state’s health insurance marketplace, separate from the federal plans under the Affordable Care Act). The state’s health insurance marketplace offers a few options for discounted plans under dental, vision, telemedicine, and prescription coverage.  It’s important to note that this…

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