Health News


  • Working on a midsection miracle

    Finding a routine to get rid of that stubborn stomach fat Belly fat. Midriff bulge. Stomach flab. Wheat belly. That extra layer of fat around the abdomen goes by a number of names. Whatever you call it, if you’ve got it, more than likely you want it gone. Now. And it’s hard to budge. The…

  • Keeping your feet fit

    Proper foot care can prevent injury and unnecessary pain Most of us use our feet all day, every day – for work, for play, to get to the car, school, shopping, and to bed after a long day at the office. With all of this walking, it’s not surprising that there are more than 300…

  • 7 ways to save on medical bills

    Cut costs without cutting corners With the rising cost of healthcare coverage – or worse – when we’re unemployed and uninsured, bills mount and we’re likely to postpone all the health expenses we can. But when it comes to our wellbeing, there are better options. Of course, staying healthy is always the best one. “Eat…


  • A week in the life of a geriatric care management practice

    A week in the life of a geriatric care management practice

    What a week! We participated in two health fairs, sponsored and awarded medals at the Polk Senior Games Fishing Tournament, presented a talk on Slow Medicine at the Winter Haven Senior Adult Center, had a client pass away under the wonderful support of hospice, laughed and cried alongside his family, took a client for a…

  • Publisher’s Note: Great results we’d like to share

    Publisher’s Note: Great results we’d like to share

    I’d like to take a few moments to share results from an Online Reader Survey, which was conducted by Verified Audit Circulation about Central Florida Health News magazine.  The 18-question reader survey was designed to gather information from our Central Florida Health News readership about your demographics, lifestyle, education, reading habits, and consumer preferences.  Respondents…

  • Healthy Cook: The truth about ‘negative calorie’ foods

    Healthy Cook: The truth about ‘negative calorie’ foods

    Some things just sound too good to be true. You lose more calories eating a food than the food has in it. That’s called “negative calories” and it sounds like digestive snake oil to me. It would be died-and-gone-to-heaven for dieters. But there is a modicum of truth in it. Some cold foods that are…

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