Health News


  • How to recognize childhood obesity

    How to recognize childhood obesity

    Addressing Weight Problems Early to Offset Future Problems It’s not easy to admit your child is overweight. You want to believe pudge is baby fat the child will outgrow. Or maybe you’ve come to believe extra pounds make him or her strong and healthy. But ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. And, in…

  • Survival at its pinkest

    Survival at its pinkest

    Breast cancer awareness and education: a constant message Cauney Boydston Bamberg is passionate about increasing breast cancer awareness and raising funds to help women get mammograms. She is the executive director of The Watson Clinic Foundation, Inc., and she brought the first Suncoast Polk Race for the Cure to Polk County last year. Bamberg was…

  • Turning your home into a gym

    Turning your home into a gym

    How to get active without spending big dollars Filled with good intentions about losing weight or improving your health, you may rush to the store and pick up a $1,200 rowing machine or $2,000 treadmill. But if you don’t want it being used as a clothes rack in your closet, take your time. Learn about how to…


  • Collaborative Psychology and Medicine

    Collaborative Psychology and Medicine

    What happens when you get a few people around a table who are looking for a way to make a difference? They begin to think of others who they have known and/or lived within their lives. They begin to talk about those that are in different types of pain and how they might be able to take their own life experiences…

  • How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

    How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

    Having bad breath is something that is a reality for millions of Americans. Researchers estimate that over 80 million Americans suffer from chronic bad breath, and just about all of us experience it at one point or another. Fortunately, there are some initiatives you can take throughout the day to help prevent bad breath. Your…

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

    Diabetic Retinopathy

    Diabetes is a disease that affects small blood vessels throughout the body. The retina is the nerve tissue lining the back of the eye, and it is this nerve tissue that lets us see. Small blood vessels run through the retina, supplying it with blood. When diabetes affects these retinal vessels, it can affect your…

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