Health News
Trends and observations in child health
A Look at An Emerging Frontier in Healthcare and Other Relevant Issues The Academy of Pediatrics has designated the month of October as Child Health Month. The Academy strongly feels that newborns, infants, children, adolescents, and young adults up to the age of 21 years in the United States should have access to comprehensive healthcare.…
New programs to help improve foster care
Heartland for Children Calls for 80 Additional Foster Homes While Improving Child Protective Services There is no gift greater than giving one’s time to a child. For 155 local families, that means serving as a foster family to a child in need. Heartland for Children is the lead community based care agency responsible for re-designing…
Chris Hazelwood bares all
Q & A on Her Journey to Recovery from Breast Cancer Diagnosed with breast cancer on Leap Day in 2008, Mary Christine Hazelwood is a survivor. We talked with her about her journey—chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and what led her to start The Pampering Event for women with breast cancer. Central Florida Health News (CFHN): Tell…
Healthy Skin: Give your body a gift after the holidays — inside and out
IT’S THAT TIME of year again. Huge dinners and parties with family and co-workers, and yet dieting is on your mind. We all think it and maybe you are considering a gym membership (again). Holiday stress, late nights, and too much alcohol have all taken a toll, and you need help. You are determined that…
Word of Mouth: Resolve to have better teeth this year
’TIS THE SEASON for resolutions, and the most common resolutions that people make is for better health. If your resolution this year includes a commitment to being the healthiest you possible, then you need to start with your dental health.
The Heart of the Matter: A heart-to-heart talk about genuine resolutions
WE’VE ALL been guilty of it at least once before. The New Year comes and goes, and we say to ourselves, “This year will be different. I’m going to get healthy.” And then, inevitably, nothing happens. Why? Because the resolution was so general it is easy to forget or push aside the moment the holidays…