Health News


  • Creative ways to say ‘thank you’ to the family caregiver

    Creative ways to say ‘thank you’ to the family caregiver

    Chances are, you know someone who is a family caregiver even if you aren’t one yourself. According to the Caregiver Action Network (CAN), 90 million adults— two out of every five in the entire country— are responsible for the bulk of a family member’s care. November is National Family Caregivers Month, and this year is…

  • Solutions for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Solutions for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    An Ailment that’s Not Just for Computer Users Computers are frequently blamed for carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful disorder involving a pinched nerve in the wrist. But assembly workers are three times more likely than data-entry personnel to suffer from it, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The disorder is…

  • Seven work-related issues that may affect your health

    Seven work-related issues that may affect your health

    Disease saps our energy. Our productivity slips, we miss work or school, and our healthcare expenses rise. We may blame our work, or work environment, for the illness. But that may only be part of the equation. “Is it the chicken or the egg?” asks Dr. Ulyee Choe, Polk County Health Department director and a…


  • Ask a Nurse: The evolution of modern medicine

    Ask a Nurse: The evolution of modern medicine

    Did you know that an anesthesiologist (the doctor that puts you to sleep and keeps you alive during surgery) wasn’t even considered a field or specialty in medicine until 1941!1 Could you imagine undergoing surgery without anesthesia? Barbaric! Thoracic surgery (chest surgery) wasn’t approved until 1970, and bariatric (obesity) medicine has yet to become an official…

  • Medical Advice: Avoiding mosquitoes and chikungunya virus

    Medical Advice: Avoiding mosquitoes and chikungunya virus

    I was first introduced to a disease known as chikungunya during my medical training.  Initially, I dismissed this foreign illness as something I would probably not see in my career.  Chikungunya was originally found in Asia, Africa, and the islands of the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific.  This changed on December 2013, when there was…

  • Editor’s Dose: Adventures with school physicals!

    Editor’s Dose: Adventures with school physicals!

    It’s school physical time already! Am I the only one who feels like summer went by way too fast? Maybe it’s because “time flies when you’re having fun.” Or, maybe it’s because time flies when you have four kids . . . maybe it’s a combination of both. Either way, our house is in full…

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