Health News


  • Antibiotics: Fact vs. fiction

    Antibiotics: Fact vs. fiction

    Modern Wonder Drugs Not a Cure-All Since it was used in World War II, penicillin has saved countless lives. The use of antibiotics has grown— to the point where it’s become a medical standby. But antibiotics can be overused. Our bodies contain bacteria, or “normal bacterial flora” on the skin and other places. “By exposing…

  • Pop Quiz: Is work-related stress affecting your health?

    Pop Quiz: Is work-related stress affecting your health?

    Find out where strain at work may lurk and if the stress is helping or hindering your well-being. We’ve all heard before that jobs can be stressful, but could your regular nine-to- five responsibilities be causing you just sleepless nights or putting you on the fast track to a heart attack? Learn more about job…

  • Creative ways to say ‘thank you’ to the family caregiver

    Creative ways to say ‘thank you’ to the family caregiver

    Chances are, you know someone who is a family caregiver even if you aren’t one yourself. According to the Caregiver Action Network (CAN), 90 million adults— two out of every five in the entire country— are responsible for the bulk of a family member’s care. November is National Family Caregivers Month, and this year is…


  • Medical Advice: Rabies report and safety reminders

    Medical Advice: Rabies report and safety reminders

    Saint Hubert, who lived from 656-727 A.D., was the patron saint of hunters, mathematicians, opticians, and metal workers.  He was called upon to cure rabies until the early 20th century through the use of the St. Hubert’s Key, which was said to have been given to him by St. Peter.  St. Hubert Key’s took the…

  • Ask a Nurse: Genetic testing for mental health medications

    Ask a Nurse: Genetic testing for mental health medications

    We have all heard of, and some of us have even experienced firsthand, the tragedies surrounding mental health disorders. It’s nearly impossible to watch a TV show without hearing about a new antidepressant that causes an endless list of unwanted symptoms. And according to the CDC more than 1 in 10 American’s over the age…

  • Healthy Food: Create good mood food

    Healthy Food: Create good mood food

    Ever get a day when nothing is going right? The kids are fighting. The pool turned green. Gas went up 15 cents. The peanut butter is gone. After all that, you might be thinking, “If I just had some chocolate.” Or a glass of wine. Or a big plate of mashed potatoes. What we eat can change…

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