Health News


  • To smile or not to smile

    To smile or not to smile

    Dr. Karen Teston and other local experts on oral hygiene and your overall health Some folks are afraid of pain.  Some know they haven’t done a good job of taking care of their teeth, and don’t want to be lectured.  Still others lack cash.  Whatever the reason, many avoid the dentist until an emergency arises.…

  • Community outreach programs make check-ups more available

    Community outreach programs make check-ups more available

    Free dental exams, preventative tooth care, and more Several outreach programs in Polk County recently offered free dental exams and other tooth services to spread awareness about the need for dental health care.  At the Haines City Dental Clinic, the Florida Department of Health in Polk County (FDOH-Polk) offered free comprehensive dental exams to children…

  • Helping make the healthier choice, the easier choice

    Helping make the healthier choice, the easier choice

    About the Building a Healthier Polk initiative Building a Healthier Polk is a group of community partners brought together by Polk Vision who are working towards the goal of reducing the obesity rate in Polk County.  Polk Vision is a broad, community-led partnership of organizations, businesses, government, and individuals. In 2012, Polk Vision’s Quality of…


  • PCMA Letter: Matters of the heart

    PCMA Letter: Matters of the heart

    FEBRUARY is not just known for cupid and Valentine’s Day, but in the medical community, this time of year is set aside to emphasize another matter of the heart. Right now we are participating in a national initiative called American Heart Month. Plus, February 6 is National Wear Red Day, a part of the American…

  • Medical Advice: Find your ‘inner quitter’

    Medical Advice: Find your ‘inner quitter’

    WE ARE WELL ON OUR WAY into the new year and, as usual, many have begun their long list of New Year’s resolutions. Despite best intentions, some of those resolutions have probably fallen by the wayside. However, here is one that’s worth the extra effort this year — quit smoking.

  • Stay Fit Focused: Exercise tips for the New Year

    Stay Fit Focused: Exercise tips for the New Year

    THE HOLIDAY SEASON is special, but it is also a time when you can experience serious weight gain. November and December are jam-packed with parties, holiday activities, and get-togethers that minimize your time for exercise and also feature calorie-filled feasts, desserts, and candy.

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