Health News


  • How chronic pain affects your mood

    How chronic pain affects your mood

    Q&A with Dr. Edward Lubin on the link between mental illness and pain that lasts longer than six months Chronic pain, which is defined as pain that lasts longer than six months, can be so much more impactful on a patient’s daily life than a seven-word description.  The type of pain can vary in frequency…

  • Pop Quiz: Is your child at risk for cyberbullying?

    Pop Quiz: Is your child at risk for cyberbullying?

    Quiz your knowledge so you can recognize the warning signs and help prevent the worst from happening A mean text message… a social media profile filled with vicious rumors… an embarrassing photo posted online and shared throughout the school… These are just a few ways in which a child or teen can be cyberbullied. Cyberbullying…

  • Good vs. bad stress at work

    Good vs. bad stress at work

    How to recognize and change patterns that effect your physical and mental health Eustress (a.k.a., Good Stress) Promotion/increased responsibilities: Everyone enjoys being recognized for his/her accomplishments, and when a promotion or additional tasks are given to employees, there can be a mixture of emotions depending on the person’s current workload and personal/professional attitude.  In most…


  • Pediatric Health: Why your child should follow the immunization schedule

    Pediatric Health: Why your child should follow the immunization schedule

    ALTHOUGH THE SIGNIFICANCE of vaccinating children is widely recognized, it is essential to understand the importance of adhering to an immunization schedule. These schedules are determined and evaluated by leading experts each year, taking the most recent scientific data into consideration. They are then approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of…

  • Editor’s Dose: An allergy alert and chemosis cautions

    WELL, I THINK IT’S SAFE to say that spring has most definitely sprung. It’s that time of year when you walk outside your door and notice your car has a nice sheen of yellow from the layer of pollen that has adhered to the entire exterior. It’s also the time of year for sneezing, sniffling…

  • Stick to your ‘healthy lifestyle’ guns

    Stick to your ‘healthy lifestyle’ guns

    THE CONNECTION between poor diet, obesity, and cardiovascular disease is not one that is hard to trace. What is difficult, however, is changing one’s lifestyle to combat the dangers of heart disease. Attempting to undo a lifetime of poor diet and exercise choices requires real determination and willpower, two characteristics that aren’t necessarily the strong…

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