FROM MID-FEBRUARY to about mid-April, my family was at the doctor’s office a lot. The late-spreading flu season (although none of us in our household ever actually caught the flu — thank goodness) must have carried with it many other viruses, because we’ve certainly experienced our fair share. In fact, a few nurses on staff at the kids’ pediatrician’s office got to know me on a first-name basis during this time.
I couldn’t be more grateful for these ladies, and their professionalism and sensitivity to my state as a mom. By the time I get to the doctor’s office, I’m stressed and I’m worried about my children’s health. So it’s refreshing to see their comforting faces, and reassuring to share my concerns with them. When I visit the doctor’s office with all four kids in tow, even if only one of them has an appointment, they are always accommodating and patient.
I can’t imagine how many ill patients they’ve already seen by the time they get to our appointment, and it amazes me to see how attentive they are with each of my little ones. I couldn’t be more grateful for the incredible job that they do, and since May 6-12 is National Nurses Week, it’s the perfect time to tell them so.
If you know a nurse who makes a difference for your patient care, be sure to tell them thank you the next time you see them.
Celeste Jo Walls is managing editor of Central Florida Health News. She may be reached by e-mail at celeste.walls@centralfloridamediagroup.com.
Posted May 17, 2016