Health News


  • Pop Quiz! What Do You Do When Allergies Get Ruff?

    Pop Quiz! What Do You Do When Allergies Get Ruff?

    Pets bring a lot of joy to our lives, but some people can be allergic to fur-babies. Unfortunately, those allergies keep many from being pet owners and even have some believing they need to get rid of a pet. Luckily, there are numerous ways to live in harmony with a pet if you have non-life-threatening…

  • Crack the Code for Eating Healthy on a Budget

    Crack the Code for Eating Healthy on a Budget

    by RYAN MILEJCZAKSponsored by Central Florida Health Care Proper nutrition is essential all year long, but in March, we observe National Nutrition Month and give it special focus. Healthy eating is an important topic, and most people want to eat healthy. In fact, according to one study, 93% of people surveyed said they want to…

  • Hearts of Gold

    Hearts of Gold

    Rescue Organization’s Therapy Dogs Lend a Loving Paw in Central Florida by K. MICHELE TRICE If you have ever seen a golden retriever, Labrador retriever, or similar dog serving as a therapy dog working hard to lift spirits and ease anxiety at an event in Central Florida, there’s a good chance that dog was working…


  • Medical advice: Poison help in the home

    Medical advice: Poison help in the home

    If you suspected that a member of your household had ingested a potentially poisonous substance, would you know what to do?  Did you know you can call the Florida Poison Information Center—sometimes referred to as Poison Control—at 1-800-222-1222 for assistance with any possible poison event?  A health care professional is available 24 hours a day,…

  • Editor’s Dose: I’d Rather Be… at the Dentist

    Editor’s Dose: I’d Rather Be… at the Dentist

    Okay, it’s confession time.  I used to be one of those people who was afraid to go to the dentist.  I know it sounds silly, but just the thought of having someone staring down my mouth was mortifying.  I would gladly go through natural childbirth with no medication, speak in front of a crowd of…

  • PCMA Letter: The big picture of your health

    PCMA Letter: The big picture of your health

    Everyone knows the old expression “a picture is worth a thousand words.”  Well, in the field of medicine, we take special care to look at the big picture of your overall health— not just the symptoms.  As physicians who understand that healthy lifestyle choices are key to a long and fruitful life, it’s important to…

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