Health News


  • College Wellness 101

    College Wellness 101

    Making better choices for campus life now and the career ahead College can be an exciting time as most students are starting adulthood, but it’s also a time where many start out on the wrong foot.  We’ve all heard of the “Freshman 15,” the weight gain that is common during freshman year, but it’s just…

  • Tips for exercising while on the mend

    Tips for exercising while on the mend

    Q&A with Jim Goodwin on how you can safely work out with an Injury When recovering from an injury, it’s tempting to lay off your fitness routine. That’s not always a good idea, however. Central Florida Health News talked with Jim Goodwin, director of Rehabilitation Services at Bartow Regional Medical Center, about the best way…

  • Preventing PAM: A rare, but lethal infection

    Preventing PAM: A rare, but lethal infection

    Summer season is officially here. It is a great time to enjoy cookouts, playing sports, or participating in water-related activities. The summer season also brings a number of things that we need to be mindful of in order to be safe, such as hurricane season, mosquito season, and the less known amoeba season. Naegleria fowleri…


  • Ask a Nurse: Popping pain pills?

    Ask a Nurse: Popping pain pills?

    Americans make up ~4.6 percent of the world’s population, yet have been consuming 80 percent of the global opioid supply and 99 percent of the global hydrocodone supply1! According to the CDC in 2008, 14,800 died of an opioid overdose… more than heroin and cocaine COMBINED2. Opioids like morphine, codeine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, oxymorphone, and fentanyl…

  • PCMA Letter: Don’t let an active lifestyle be a chore this summer

    PCMA Letter: Don’t let an active lifestyle be a chore this summer

    It’s fairly common amongst the general population to want to live a long, healthy, and happy life.  Remaining physically fit is imperative to this way of life.  Staying in shape helps you live longer and prevents illnesses.  This is why the doctors of the Polk County Medical Association (PCMA) bring you the fitness edition this…

  • Publisher’s Note: Some of the healthcare legislation recently passed

    Publisher’s Note: Some of the healthcare legislation recently passed

    Like any other year, the 2014 Florida Legislative Session saw a lot of action for health and safety-related bills.  Some of them passed with flying colors, while others failed—but, just in case you aren’t aware—I’d like to summarize three important pieces of legislation that are being made into law: SB 1030 During the legislative session,…

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