Health News


  • Lifestyle Choices & Lifelong Rewards: The Road to Better Heart Health

    Lifestyle Choices & Lifelong Rewards: The Road to Better Heart Health

    by RYAN MILEJCZAK Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care Heart disease is one of the biggest medical issues we face in the modern age. It affects millions of Americans and is a leading cause of death in the US. Because of this, it’s a major concern for healthcare providers, who frequently treat patients suffering from…

  • Pop Quiz! Don’t Fall for These Exercise Myths 

    Pop Quiz! Don’t Fall for These Exercise Myths 

    When it comes to heart health, exercise is one of the best steps you can take. However, you are likely to encounter a glut of myths concerning exercise. Unfortunately, many of these myths can stall your progress, lead to injury, or even be damaging to your health. Take our quiz so you don’t take these…

  • Prevention, Screening the Two Biggest Weapons in Fight Against Cervical Cancer

    Prevention, Screening the Two Biggest Weapons in Fight Against Cervical Cancer

    by K. MICHELE TRICE Sponsored by Central Florida Health Care January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, making cervical cancer education especially important this month. Typically, the cells of the cervix go through changes before cancer appears in the cervical tissue. That’s why prevention and early screening are key components of women’s health care. Ruthie Almonte…


  • The secret to age reversal may be hiding in our blood

    Could the fountain of youth be flowing through the veins of our youth?  Dr. Amy Wagers and Dr. Richard Lee suspect that it is.

  • Editor’s Dose: A thank you note to the teachers

    Editor’s Dose: A thank you note to the teachers

    This school year, our twins have started first grade and our four-year-old has started pre-K. Before day one, I have to admit, I was a nervous wreck (and I thought the first day of kindergarten was bad)… I was warned that it doesn’t get easier. As a mother, you experience so many emotions on the…

  • Medical Advice: The four layers of drowning prevention

    Medical Advice: The four layers of drowning prevention

    One of the many benefits of living in Florida is the beautiful weather nearly year round. It is common for Florida residents to go to the beach, swim in the pool, and participate in recreational water activities well into the fall and even some winter months. Swimming is a great way to get exercise and…

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