Health News


  • How a life-saving transplant transformed my life

    How a life-saving transplant transformed my life

    | Annemarie Ward shares her journey of keeping hope alive amidst heart disease | NEARLY 15 YEARS AGO, Annemarie Ward was walking the family’s three dogs with her mother Polly and sister Emily when she collapsed. At age seven, Annemarie had suffered a heart attack. She was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or enlargement of the…

  • Pop Quiz: Maintaining optimal optical health

    Pop Quiz: Maintaining optimal optical health

    | Understanding the causes of low vision and taking precautions as you age | EYESIGHT is a precious thing, and unfortunately there are many threats to optimal optical health. One common eye problem is low vision, and it affects seniors the most. Low vision, in its simplest terms, is any vision loss that interferes with…

  • Celebrating Black History Month with a look at local African-Americans in medicine

    Celebrating Black History Month with a look at local African-Americans in medicine

    ALEX ALEXANDER Registered Nurse Bartow Regional Medical Center As a black registered nurse from North Carolina, 56-year-old Alex Alexander has had his run-ins with prejudice. But he’s learned to remember who he is, treat others like his brothers and sisters, forgive, and … not believe everything he hears. “You earn things by your merit and…


  • My ‘double trouble’ story

    My ‘double trouble’ story

      Being a mom of twins, I can relate to the percentage increase in twin births on a personal level. It was my first pregnancy, and I’m sure you can imagine my surprise when I discovered I was carrying more than one fetus. At 8 weeks gestation, I went into my doctor’s office for complications.…

  • Planning your plate for Memorial Day

    Memorial Day, May 28, is a time to remember those who have given their lives for our freedom. It dates back to just after the civil war. Like Thanksgiving, it’s a time for reflection and a time to look ahead . . . and after the somber part, to look ahead to ribs, chicken wings,…

  • Here’s looking at you, egg

      One of nature’s greatest inventions has to be the egg. Chickens (and chicken farmers) have it down to a science. A hen will lay eggs that won’t produce chicks, until Ms. Hen meets Mr. Rooster. Eggs can show up on our plates from morning to night, and just because we like them fried, poached…

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