Pop quiz on thyroid health and weight

Test your knowledge and understanding of the relationship between your thyroid and weight

IT’S NO SECRET that our country has a problem with weight and obesity. According to the statistics, approximately two-thirds of all adult Americans are overweight or obese. While those in the medical profession will tell you that the majority of those in the U.S. who are overweight need to simply make better eating choices and add exercise to their daily routines, physicians also would tell you that some people do suffer from weight issues due to a thyroid problem. Such matters with thyroid health can affect weight and overall quality of life. Take our quiz on thyroid health and weight and test your knowledge!

1. True or False?

Thyroid problems affect more women than men.

2. Which of the following describes the thyroid?

A. A gland in the throat that releases hormones
B. A gland that regulates metabolism
C. The “Adam’s apple”
D. A gland that controls growth and development
E. All of the Above

3. Which of the following describes the relationship between thyroid health and weight?

A. When the thyroid is underactive, the body gains weight
B. When the thyroid is overactive, the body loses weight
C. The relationship is complex as thyroid function is closely connected with metabolism and depends on the healthy functioning of additional body mechanisms, such as neurotransmitters, reproductive hormones, and adrenal glands
D. There is no connection

4. Which of the following are correct? (Choose all that apply)

A. Hypothyroidism = an underactive thyroid
B. Hyperthyroidism = an overactive thyroid
C. A healthy thyroid = a healthy weight
D. An unhealthy thyroid always means overweight issues

5. Fill-in-the-Blank: Because the thyroid affects the body’s __________________, an underactive thyroid slows the rate the body burns calories, which can cause weight gain; however, metabolism, thyroid function and weight gain are all tied into overall health, and there is a complex connection between the three.

A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Body Mass Index
D. Metabolic rate
E. None of the Above

6. How many pounds does the average person with an underactive thyroid typically gain?

A. 20 to 30 pounds
B. 5 to 10 pounds
C. Over 30 pounds
D. Over 50 pounds

7. True or False?

A small minority of people with an overactive thyroid will actually gain weight, and some with an underactive thyroid might NOT gain weight, all due to individual biochemistry.

8. Which of the following are reasons why women are more likely to have problems with their thyroid?

A. Electrocardiogram (EKG)
B. A test to measure the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
C. A blood plasma test (BPT)
D. A Body Mass Index test (BMI)

9. Which of the following might a physician prescribe for thyroid issues?

A. Supplemental nutrients
B. A meal plan that properly balances the ratio of proteins to carbohydrates
C. Thyroid-replacement hormones
D. All of the Above

10. True or False?

It’s a good idea to use thyroid-replacement hormones for weight loss, even if no thyroid issues are present.


1. True. Thyroid problems affect women more than men.

2. E. All of the Above. The thyroid is a gland in the throat that releases hormones that control growth and development and a person’s metabolism; it makes up the laryngeal prominence referred to as the Adam’s apple.

3. C. The relationship is a complex one; while weight fluctuations can be the result of an over or underactive thyroid gland, there are more body mechanisms that need to be looked at as well.

4. A. and B. Hyperthyroidism refers to an overactive thyroid, and hypothyroidism refers to an underactive thyroid.

5. D. Metabolic rate. While an underactive thyroid could be to blame for weight gain, there could be other health issues at work.

6. B. 5 to 10 pounds. On average, those suffering from an underactive thyroid will gain no more than 5 to 10 pounds due to the condition.

7. True. Since the connections between thyroid function, metabolism, and weight fluctuation are complex, the manner in which thyroid issues reveal themselves symptom-wise will vary from person to person.

8. B. A TSH test.

9. D. All of the Above. Treatment for thyroid issues should be treated per the individual’s needs.

10. False. Thyroid-replacement hormones can create problems with the metabolism that exist even after a person stops taking the hormones. Additionally, any changes in weight created by the hormones will likely go back to the normal state once the hormones are stopped.

Resources: Information provided by the American Thyroid Association at Thyroid.org and WomentoWomen.com.


article by ERIKA ALDRICH

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