Health News


  • Pop Quiz: Test your knowledge of oral cancer

    Pop Quiz: Test your knowledge of oral cancer

    | Understand the risks and symptoms to help prevent the disease and increase early detection| WHEN YOU HEAR about the dangers of cancer, it’s rarely oral cancer that’s being discussed. Though the death rate for oral cancer is higher than that of cervical cancer, skin cancer, and many others, the disease is barely a blip…

  • The dangers of gum disease

    The dangers of gum disease

    | Preventing periodontal problems is essential for overall health and well-being | MILLIONS OF AMERICANS have a silent disease working in their mouths and they don’t even know it. It’s periodontal disease — also called gum disease — and it could be doing damage to your health even as you read this. According to the…

  • Local dentist shares the rewards of giving

    Local dentist shares the rewards of giving

    In the above photo, Dr. William Nerestant and his assistants, Betzi and Joan, smile for the camera before leaving for Jamaica last year on a missions trip to help the less fortunate with their dental needs. THESE DAYS, we think a lot about personal responsibility and giving back. Some of us might donate to a…


  • Signs and symptoms: Q&A on preventing and reversing acne

    Signs and symptoms: Q&A on preventing and reversing acne

    Acne. By definition it is a condition, but by experience it is one of the most frustrating skin problems to those afflicted. Dr. William Roth is a board-certified dermatologist and spokesperson for Watson Clinic in Lakeland and a Polk County Medical Association member. Central Florida Health News asks him about acne, its causes, and what…

  • PCMA Letter: Covering more than just the surface of health

    PCMA Letter: Covering more than just the surface of health

    Do you know what the largest organ of the human body is?  If you answered, “the skin,” then you’re correct.  Our skin plays a vital role in protecting us from pathogens.  Other functions of this organ include insulation, temperature regulation, sensation, and the production of vitamin D folates. Despite its many important roles in the…

  • A time to change for the better

    A time to change for the better

    Another year has passed. It is once again time to reflect on the 12 months and look forward to the New Year. During the holidays, we enjoy celebrating with friends and family. We overeat and drink more than we should. Excuses for overindulgence are as easy to find as holiday cheer. Following the holidays, either…

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