Health News


  • Medical Advice: Your breast cancer fast facts and why raising awareness is so important

    FAR TOO MANY families know the worry, fear, and anguish when a friend, family member or loved one receives a cancer diagnosis. Some people reading this article may have been diagnosed with cancer themselves. Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women. This is why taking a month to…

  • Ask a Physician Who Knows! — Understanding your medical records

    Ask a Physician Who Knows! — Understanding your medical records

    1. What is a medical record? Every time you see a medical health provider, a record is kept of what transpired during the visit. These records are kept by physicians, hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare providers. The record contains your identifying information, medical history, medication and prescription lists, vitals, and results of testing, as…

  • Healthy Cook: No more procrastination with easy food prep and meal ideas

    Healthy Cook: No more procrastination with easy food prep and meal ideas

    IF WE MUST have a national slogan when it comes to cooking, many of us should choose “Procrastination for the Nation.” I’m too busy. I don’t have time to fix a healthy (insert name of meal or snack). I’ll buy something good for lunch.


  • Caution: Certain Eye Drops May Cause You Problems!

    Caution: Certain Eye Drops May Cause You Problems!

    by WILLIAM CORKINS, OD When the FDA approves eye drops, the drops are required to have a preservative added. Most people think a preservative makes the eye drops last longer, which it does not. If I am instilling an eye drop in my eye and I accidentally touch the tip of the bottle to my…

  • There’s More Than Meets the (Red) Eye

    There’s More Than Meets the (Red) Eye

    February is here, and Valentine’s Day is around the corner! We see red hearts everywhere as a sign for the holiday, but let’s talk about what red eyes are a sign for. There are several conditions that can cause this very common finding. Depending on the symptoms you’re experiencing, and the amount/severity of inflammatory signs…

  • Take a Deep Dive Into Deep Venous Thrombosis

    Take a Deep Dive Into Deep Venous Thrombosis

    Deep venous thrombosis is a serious medical condition that affects millions of people. This is a condition in which a blood clot forms in a deep vein of the body, usually in the thigh, leg, and — rarely — the arm. The blood clot can break off and travel inside the vein to the lung,…

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