Health News


  • Men’s health through the generations

    Men’s health through the generations

    From grandfather to grandson, turning healthy choices into habits IT’S A HEALTH-CONSCIOUS AGE we live in, as study after study shows the short and long-term benefits of eating healthy, exercising, and seeing your doctor regularly. While health and wellness statistics — such as rates of diseases and lifespan — are improving and reflecting the country’s…

  • Something to spit at: All Children’s researchers to study saliva samples

    Something to spit at: All Children’s researchers to study saliva samples

    RESEARCHERS at All Children’s Hospital Johns Hopkins Medicine will begin to study the saliva of young cancer patients to learn if spit might prove more beneficial than blood to use as test samples during treatment.

  • Answering the call of nursing

    Answering the call of nursing

    Local RNs talk about what it takes to provide excellent patient care SOME JOBS ARE MORE than an occupation; they are a calling. Nursing is one of those professions; it requires special individuals with distinct skills who are able to handle a demanding, and oftentimes stressful, environment. The many hospitals in Central Florida all rely…


  • Enjoy the Summer Wisely

    Enjoy the Summer Wisely

    In Central Florida, we are blessed with sunny days for about two-thirds of the year. With so much sunshine pouring down on us, it’s important to remember that too much of anything – including sunshine – can be bad for your health.    The biggest danger of too much sun exposure comes from the sun’s…

  • Lower Back Pain and Sciatica: Where to Start

    Lower Back Pain and Sciatica: Where to Start

    Lower back pain and sciatica can be a life-changing event.  There can be a lot of reasons for back pain but some popular ones that we hear about are things like stenosis, degenerative disc disease, alignment issues or good old-fashioned back strain. It makes sense that these injuries happen for different reasons.    Arthritis in your…

  • Understanding Hernias

    Understanding Hernias

    June is Hernia Awareness Month and to help educate you on what a hernia is, how they can be avoided and how they’re treated, we spoke with board-certified general surgeon Shiva Seetahal, MD. Dr. Seetahal specializes in procedures that treat gastrointestinal conditions, hernias, and endocrine disorders, and provides care for the body, mind, and spirit to support his…

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