Health News


  • The what, when, and how of plastic surgery

    The what, when, and how of plastic surgery

    A Q&A with Dr. Faeza Kazmier MANY OF US have indulged in reality TV shows such as “Nip / Tuck” that seem more bent on shock and awe than realistic plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Faeza Kazmier, a Watson Clinic plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Lakeland, answers some questions for Central Florida Health News magazine on…

  • Family Health: Cold vs. flu

    Family Health: Cold vs. flu

    AS WE HEAD INTO the height of flu season, it can be difficult to tell if you have the flu or are simply experiencing symptoms of a common cold. While the symptoms can seem similar, a common cold generally resolves itself. The influenza virus, however, can lead to serious complications, requiring immediate medical attention. Here…

  • Getting a roadmap to clarity on women’s breast health

    Getting a roadmap to clarity on women’s breast health

    Local event addresses health concerns for new screening guidelines WHEN NEW GUIDELINES for breast cancer screening were released October 20 by the American Cancer Society (ACS), the public reaction was swift and concerned. Many women were alarmed — particularly those who had been diagnosed with breast cancer by way of early screenings.


  • Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Therapy

    Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Therapy

    With the increase in longevity and improvement in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, a sizable proportion of Americans are on either an antiplatelet agent or full anticoagulation. These are commonly known as blood thinners. In the next two columns, I’ll talk about the most commonly used blood thinners. Common indications for requiring antiplatelet agents are…

  • Celebrating Glaucoma Awareness Month

    Celebrating Glaucoma Awareness Month

    January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a disease where the optic nerve in the eye becomes damaged over time. Each eye has an optic nerve. This nerve acts like a cable sending information about what you see to the brain. This is just like a cable to your television. Without treatment,…

  • Smoking Hurts More Than Your Lungs

    Smoking Hurts More Than Your Lungs

    I cannot really believe that the holidays are upon us already.  This year has been like no other with its  usual mix of pain and pleasure. I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize the role of lifestyle in the management of vascular disease that can lend a sense of control in its otherwise…

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