Health News


  • Mental Health Moment: Isolation is alienation

    Mental Health Moment: Isolation is alienation

    Get out and about or stay in and be grim! WE USE SOLITARY CONFINEMENT to punish people. In fact, we put a limit in this country to how long we can impose it in a prison due to the adverse effects of it. It can cause psychosis. They use it to calm down violent people,…

  • Ask a PA Who Knows!: Indoor tanning myths debunked

    Ask a PA Who Knows!: Indoor tanning myths debunked

    … and why you should consider an alternate tanning method EVERYONE LIKES to look good, and most people enjoy the bronzed look of a tan. Unfortunately, too many try to achieve the look of a golden tan through the use of indoor tanning methods like tanning beds. Just like tanning in the sun, indoor tanning…

  • Growing young with grandchildren

    Growing young with grandchildren

    How interaction with children can keep you sharp as you age “AN HOUR with your grandchildren can make you feel young again.” Grandparents like Susan Sartain, a marketing and communications manager for Baycare’s Bartow Regional Medical Center, will tell you such a sentiment is true, and now there’s even science to back it up. Australian…


  • Publisher’s Note: Fruits and veggies – more matters month

    Publisher’s Note: Fruits and veggies – more matters month

      Many may not know that September is national “Fruits and Veggies – More Matters” month. The Produce for Better Health Foundation offers the “Fruits and Veggies – More Matters” initiative as a simple, user-friendly way to get expert cooking advice, nutrition information, and shopping tips. As kids are getting back in school, it’s important…

  • August STATS

      Minority Report 2 Number of adults (out of 10) that meet the suggested physical activity guidelines. Source: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services According to the USDA Food Environment Atlas, in 2007, 63.5% of Polk County residents met the suggested physical activity guidelines. “Physical activity guidelines for healthy adults are a minimum of…

  • Healthy Cook: Fill up, feel good, and get fit with a plum satisfying food

      Want a cheap, portable and healthy treat for the busy days of summer? Nutrition experts say to stock up on dried plums. Sweet, earthy and luscious on the inside and slightly chewy on the outside, these half-dollar-sized dark, wrinkly nibbles are like organic raisins on steroids or little concentrated bites of an expensive ruby…

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