Health News
Healthy Foods for the Holiday Season
by TRENT ROWE, food editor Here’s to Uncle Harry. He’s your mom’s roly-poly brother who always plays Santa because he doesn’t need a pillow for padding. When it comes to dinner his favorite phrase isn’t, “ho ho ho”, but “Please pass the gravy.” It’s too bad too, because Uncle Harry is a really nice guy.…
Polk County Initiative Seeking to Instill Healthy Habits in Schools
by CHERYL ROGERS The Building a Healthier Polk School Health Team is teaching kindergarten through 12th grade students how to live healthier by making wise food choices and staying active. In an age of video games and fast foods, it’s easy to slip into bad health habits at an early age. But during…
Facts and Statistics About Arthritis
by ERIKA ALDRICH Florida may not be locked into a deep freeze during the winter months like the majority of the other U.S. states, but The Sunshine State can still experience cold temperatures during the winter months. Those periodic days of cold and freezing weather can spell pain and agony for those suffering from arthritis.…
Medical advice: Poison help in the home
If you suspected that a member of your household had ingested a potentially poisonous substance, would you know what to do? Did you know you can call the Florida Poison Information Center—sometimes referred to as Poison Control—at 1-800-222-1222 for assistance with any possible poison event? A health care professional is available 24 hours a day,…
Editor’s Dose: I’d Rather Be… at the Dentist
Okay, it’s confession time. I used to be one of those people who was afraid to go to the dentist. I know it sounds silly, but just the thought of having someone staring down my mouth was mortifying. I would gladly go through natural childbirth with no medication, speak in front of a crowd of…
PCMA Letter: The big picture of your health
Everyone knows the old expression “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, in the field of medicine, we take special care to look at the big picture of your overall health— not just the symptoms. As physicians who understand that healthy lifestyle choices are key to a long and fruitful life, it’s important to…