Health News
Riding for Therapy
Equine-Assisted Activities Offer Heartfelt Help for Vets, Children with Special Needs by Mary Toothman At TiAnViCa Riding Academy, more than a dozen horses are on hand to allow people to ride — and heal. Sara Meadows, executive director and co-founder of TiAnViCa Riding Academy, says horseback riding for people with special needs has been offered…
Pop Quiz: Diabetes and Your Feet
Nearly ten percent of the U.S. population suffers from diabetes, and it’s the seventh leading cause of death. However, loss of life is not the only worry with diabetes. Loss of limbs, especially feet, is a real danger when diabetic neuropathy sets in. Test your knowledge of diabetes and foot care, and learn how to…
Meet the 2018 FVMA Veterinarian of the Year, Dr. Mitsie Vargas
by J.P. SMITH To be a hero it’s generally understood that a quality characteristic would be facing fears and the consequent bravery necessary for saving people, and in this case, beloved pets. Perhaps, though, it doesn’t take more than imagination to be a hero. For veterinarian Dr. Mitsie Vargas, a quote she likes by Albert…
Healthy Cook: Food safety for the outdoor cookouts
Food Safety for the Outdoor Cookouts The sun is shining and the kids are playing and the picnic lunch is waiting to be eaten. It’s a perfect day in Florida. But tomorrow could be a bummer if the cook and helpers don’t know how to keep the food from spoiling. Food safety is a…
Editor’s Dose: My tips if you plan to do a ‘staycation’
In my opinion, there’s nothing better than summer in Florida. You have the beaches, the theme parks, and of course, the sunshine to beckon you outdoors. For residents planning their vacations this season, there are just as many reasons to stay close to home as there are to get away. So how do you…
Get healthy STAT!
Weighing in on National Statistics Take a Shot 13 percentage of parents not vaccinating children on the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention’s recommended schedule. Source: U.S. CDC The rates in Polk County of parents not completing immunizations on time is 1.6 percent for kindergarten and 1.3 percent for seventh grade, but they…