Health News


  • Manual or Electric Toothbrushes?

    Manual or Electric Toothbrushes?

    Looking at the Pros and Cons of Your Main Oral Hygiene Tool by MARY TOOTHMAN They started out as twigs with frayed ends — ancient civilizations rubbed chew sticks against their teeth to clean them as far back as 3000 BC. But by 1938, the toothbrush as we know it was invented. And the handy…

  • A Tribute to Our Local Nurses

    A Tribute to Our Local Nurses

    Celebrating National Nurses Week by Highlighting the Great Work of our Area Nurses Bartow Regional Medical Center Elaine Bernard was named Bartow Regional Medical Center’s 2018 Nurse of Excellence. She is flanked by Misty Holland, Director of Patient Services at BRMC, and Carol Koeppel-Olson, the Chief Nursing Officer for the Polk Region. Elaine said she…

  • The Connection Between Gum Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease

    The Connection Between Gum Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease

    By Teresa Schiffer Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating illness that many people suffer from as they age. Experts estimate that more than 5.5 million people in the U.S. suffer from Alzheimer’s. A recent research publication from Science Advances suggests that there may be a connection between gum disease and Alzheimer’s. There is a particular bacterium…


  • Family Health: Watch for these pneumonia symptoms

    Family Health: Watch for these pneumonia symptoms

    THE FLU is especially common during the winter months and can be a dangerous illness, especially for young children and older adults. It is extremely important to be aware of the flu’s potential progression into pneumonia and how to recognize pneumonia symptoms. Especially for those 65 and older, pneumonia cases tend to be more severe,…

  • Mental Health Moment: Recognize and avoid narcissistic abuse

    Mental Health Moment: Recognize and avoid narcissistic abuse

    NARCISSISTIC ABUSE is one of the most prevalent reasons people seek counseling. Because we live in a society that has an underpinning of encouraging narcissistic traits in the form of selfies and social media posts, it can be easy to confuse what a narcissist is (or what to do about it) if you have one…

  • Health Facts: Break an old habit for the new year

    RARELY DO WE have the chance to start over, but when it comes to health, every year presents an opportunity to make a positive change. Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. With that in…

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