Health News


  • Pattie Johnson, LVIM’s 2018 Volunteer of the Year

    Pattie Johnson, LVIM’s 2018 Volunteer of the Year

    When a patient makes an appointment at the Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine clinic in Lakeland, there’s a good chance that someone along the way, they will be in contact with Pattie Johnson. And if that’s the case, they are in good hands. Johnson, who has volunteered for the organization for 15 years, was named LVIM’s…

  • Keeping Seniors Safe: New Senior Protection Team Looks to Stop Elder Crime & Abuse

    Keeping Seniors Safe: New Senior Protection Team Looks to Stop Elder Crime & Abuse

    By MATT NORMAN Most seniors today live active, vibrant lives. Still, there are many factors that make them vulnerable to all sorts of abuse, neglect, and especially scams and fraud. Due to its moderate winters and frequent sunny days, Florida is a popular retirement or winter location for over five million seniors from all over…

  • Breath of Life: Local Nurses Provide Community with Valuable CPR Training

    Breath of Life: Local Nurses Provide Community with Valuable CPR Training

    by TERESA SCHIFFER It is estimated that more than 359,000 cardiac arrests take place outside of a hospital setting in the U.S. each year, and only 32 percent of victims receive CPR from a bystander. Unfortunately, 70 percent of Americans either don’t know CPR or their certification has significantly lapsed. Thankfully, Citizen CPR is working…


  • Don’t forget to exercise your right to vote

    Don’t forget to exercise your right to vote

    Thomas Paine, one of the fathers of the American Revolution, wrote in the year 1795, “The right of voting for representatives is the primary right by which other rights are protected. To take away this right is to reduce a person to slavery, for slavery consists in being subject to the will of another…” While…

  • The 50+ job landscape: The Good, the Bad, and the Promising

    The 50+ job landscape: The Good, the Bad, and the Promising

    With the ever-increasing life expectancy and an improving job market, our nation’s experienced workers are finding new opportunities to reinvent their careers later in life. However, some challenges do remain, as Richard Eisenberg points out in his recent Forbes article, “What You Should Know about the 50+ Job Market.”

  • A healthier future for you and your children

    A healthier future for you and your children

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and, while this disease is serious and at times life threatening, it should not be looked at with fear. We at the Polk County Medical Association (PCMA) are here to help educate and equip the members of our community to live healthier lives, and subsequently, hopefully prevent serious illnesses…

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