Pop Quiz: Yoga Is More Powerful Than You Think

Yoga has been practiced for at least 5,000 years, and with good reason. It’s good for you in a number of different ways. The health benefits—physical, mental, and emotional—of yoga are numerous, and it’s a practice that can be taken up at any age. Take our quiz and test your knowledge of the health benefits of yoga and find out why getting out on the mat is a good idea.\

1.) Which of the following defines the practice of yoga?

  1. Strenuous stretching exercises
  2. A combination of meditation and mindfulness, controlled breathing, and specific body postures
  3. Twisting into strange positions
  4. None of the above

2.) True or False? Multiple studies have shown that doing yoga can decrease the secretion of cortisol, the primary stress hormone.

3.) Scientific studies have shown that yoga can improve mental health through which of the following?

  1. Lowering stress levels 
  2. Decreasing anxiety
  3. Lessening fatigue 
  4. Improving depression
  5. All of the above

4.) Where anxiety is concerned, scientific studies have found that practicing yoga could lead to which of the following results?

  1. Significantly lowered levels of anxiety
  2. Reduced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  3. Improved PTSD to the point participants no longer met the criteria for the illness.
  4. All of the above

5.) True or False? Some studies suggest that practicing yoga may reduce inflammation—pro-inflammatory diseases include heart disease, diabetes and cancer—as well as improve mental health.

6.) Scientific studies have shown yoga can have which of the following benefits for heart health?

  1. Reduced risk factors for heart disease
  2. Lower blood pressure
  3. Possibly slower progression of heart disease
  4. Lower cholesterol, including “bad” LDL cholesterol
  5. All of the above

7.) True or False? One study showed an association between doing yoga and decreased symptoms of depression.

8.) In terms of relieving pain, scientific studies have shown that yoga has done which of the following?

  1. For those with carpal tunnel syndrome, yoga was more effective in reducing pain and improving grip strength than wrist splinting
  2. In those with osteoarthritis of the knees, yoga helped decrease pain and improve physical function
  3. Could help reduce many types of chronic pain
  4. All of the above

9.) True or False? Yoga has been shown to increase “mindful eating,” the concept that encourages being present in the moment while eating, especially when it comes to feeling full. 

10.) Which additional health benefits have studies linked to yoga?

  1. Increased strength, flexibility, and balance
  2. Better sleep
  3. Improved breathing and vital capacity, important to those with lung disease, heart issues, and asthma
  4. Migraine relief
  5. All of the above

compiled by ERIKA ALDRICH; Resources: Information provided by Healthline.com, Harvard Health Publishing, and YogaJournal.com



  1. B. A combination of meditation and mindfulness, controlled breathing, and specific body postures. There are many different kinds of yoga, with some focusing more on different aspects.
  2. True. Studies have shown that those doing yoga regularly had lower levels of cortisol than before starting a yoga regimen.
  3. E. All of the above. Scientific studies have shown that yoga benefits those with anxiety, stress, depression, and fatigue.
  4. D. All of the above. Yoga has been shown to improve anxiety, including PTSD.
  5. True. Results of yoga studies suggest a connection between yoga and a lessening of the inflammation that is a symptom of many chronic, debilitating diseases.
  6. E. All of the above. Study results have suggested a relationship between yoga and lower blood pressure, a reduced risk of heart disease, improved cholesterol, and more.
  7. True. Study results have linked doing yoga and decreased symptoms of  depression.
  8. D. All of the above. Yoga has been shown to improve chronic pain in sufferers with carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis of the knees, and more.
  9. True. Participants in a study on food disorders who did yoga reported reduced symptoms.
  10. E. All of the above. Additional studies have found that yoga can help increase strength, flexibility and balance; promote better sleep; improve breathing capacity; and help relieve migraines.

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