
Health Hero

Waiting on a Miracle Young Mother Remains Hopeful Through Battle WIth Chondrosarcoma by MARY TOOTHMAN...

Education Empowers

Prevention Program Helps Those at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by TERESA SCHIFFER Diabetes is...

Pop Quiz: Test Your Knowledge About the Flu Shot

It’s that time of the year when the flu starts to rear its ugly head...

Lost and Found

Winter Haven’s Chris Lonton Describes Her Journey With Breast Cancer and the People Who Keep...

Prepped for the Future

 Danielle Drummond’s Accomplishments Precede Her Term as Head of Lakeland Regional by MARY TOOTHMAN photo...

Protect Yourself, Loved Ones With a Flu Shot

As families begin to prepare for fall festivities, the Florida Department of Health recommends adding...

It Takes a Community

We Care of Central Florida’s Project Think Pink Helps Uninsured Women Get Screening, Treatment by...

Misinformation Is Contagious: Sort Fact From Fiction on the HPV Vaccine

Vaccinations are important shots that people need to get to protect against serious diseases.  You...

Health Savings Accounts Have More to Offer Than You Think

by MARY TOOTHMAN As the number of people with high-deductible health insurance plans continues to...

Filling a Need

Polk State College Program Fights Nursing Shortage by JULIE GMITTER photos PROVIDED BY POLK STATE...

Primed for the Future

Project SEARCH Puts Students With Disabilities on Track for Career Success by TERESA SCHIFFER photos...

Fore the Love … and for the Babies

 Fundraiser Benefits NICU at Winter Haven Women’s Hospital by MATT COBBLE photos PROVIDED BY WINTER...

Pop Quiz: Germs 101—A Crash Course for Parents

Back-to-school season is upon us, and that means your child’s chances of coming down with...

Tackling Mental Health Together

Establishing the West Central Florida Mental Wellness Coalition Recognizing the record number of suicide rates...

Working Like a Dog

Reading with Bonnie the Therapy Dog by RACHEL CHRISTIAN Cassandra Banning and Bonnie, her 10-year-old...

Taking Action

State Mandate Calls for Mental Health Education in Florida Schools  by MARY TOOTHMAN   The...

Pop Quiz: Facts and Stats about Glaucoma

1.) Which of the following defines glaucoma? A medical condition in which the lens of...

Talking Skin Cancer Care and Prevention

by TERESA SCHIFFER Here in Central Florida, we are bathed in sunlight most days of...

Health Hero Spotlight

Central Florida Health News has always been all about telling stories and informing readers of...

New Pacemaker Technology Saving Lives

by TIM CRAIG Madeline Falardeau knew she had heart problems. The Winter Haven senior could...

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