Back to School Oral Health Tips
It’s hard to believe August is already here. Where has summer gone? With family vacations...
Children’s Eye Health
Children require clear vision in each eye and both eyes working together properly to be...
Central Florida Health Care Hosts Teaching Kitchen Workshop
On June 6, Central Florida Health Care held their Teaching Kitchen Workshop focused on...
Getting to the Root of the Problem
Hair loss, baldness, or alopecia is often a concern raised by both male and female...
When Summertime Sports Lead to Dental Dilemmas
By: Dr. Gerald V. Cerdan With the nice weather of summer, school being out, and...
Important Firework Safety Reminders
By: Daniel Smith, O.D. With the Fourth of July festivities quickly approaching, it is important...
Oral Hygiene Travel Tips
With Summer officially in full swing, that means hot temperatures, pool days, and family vacations!...
Drowning Prevention
by DR. JOY JACKSON As the temperature begins to rise outside and the water begins...
Wisdom Teeth Facts to Brush By
by GERALD V. CERDAN, DMD One little known fact about wisdom teeth: While many...
Proper Preventative Eye Care
Dr. Tincy Thomas Healthy vision involves several different elements including preventive eye care and appropriate...
Kickoff Summer with Clean Teeth!
By William Nerestant, DDS With June here, that means the Florida summer heat is back...
Celebrating Our New Pediatric Center with a Free Summerfest and These Safety Tips
by SANJA COSIC, MD We have several locations throughout Polk, Highlands, and Hillsborough counties...
Cholesterol and Healthy Eating
By Shiva Seetahal, MD Cholesterol is a word everyone is familiar with but few can...
A Cautionary Tale for Frequent Biting, Grinding, or Clenching
by GERALD V. CERDAN, DMD Biting and chewing your food. It’s something we do every...
Caring for Your Kid’s Teeth
by ARCHANA ANTONY, DDS It’s not easy, but somebody has to do it. If you...
Diverticular Disease
Dr. Trishanna Sookdeo Diverticular disease describes the formation of small pouches in the large intestinal...
Teeth Whitening
By William Nerestant, DDS With the weather getting hotter and hotter, the summer months are...
Learn About LASIK and Other Refractive Procedures
By David Loewy, MD Refractive surgery is designed to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and...
Is It a Virus or Allergies?
With one in every five Americans having some kind of allergy, it’s pretty common. There...
The “Ripe” Time for Cataract Surgery
Whenever I tell a patient that he or she has cataracts they immediately ask if...