Publisher’s Note

The Other Silent Killer

It can be easy to forget some of the lesser known dangers when it comes to awareness months, and that’s especially true of men’s health awareness. Prostate cancer is usually first to mind. And while it is definitely a substantial danger that deserves attention — so much so that we made it our feature in

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More Than a Nurse

Growing up with a nurse for a mom, the importance of the role she and her peers play was ingrained in me. Unfortunately not everyone was raised with this insight, though I can assure you my mom helped others understand in her own way. From chaotic emergency rooms to tranquil hospice settings, nurses are present

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Nurses Needed, STAT

Concerns over nursing shortages are nothing new. In fact, shortages have been a recurring dilemma since the 1970s. But recent changes are underscoring the need to identify workable solutions. Polk County’s population influx has hit a fevered pitch. According to the latest Census data, more people moved to Polk County than any other county in

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Benefitting From the Boom

Earlier this year, Polk County was named the fastest growing county in Florida, and the seventh-fastest growing county in the nation. That growth has been mirrored by the area’s healthcare industry, which has been booming. In 2023, Polk County had more announcements of new hospitals, expanded clinics, and new medical groups coming into the area

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