PCMA President’s Column: Driving us toward the future

IN THIS EDITION of Central Florida Doctor magazine, you’ll read about the risks versus benefits of telemedicine. The term “telemedicine” seems to some like it’s a relatively new concept, but in reality, various telemedicine services have been in existence for decades. The difference between telemedicine now and telemedicine 15 years ago is what has industry professionals concerned — the issue of privacy and security. Our digital age and increased use of the Internet in our modern-day society has brought about new evils that were not as prevalent 15 or 20 years ago. Cybersecurity issues and hacks have been experienced by small and large organizations alike, despite having all manner and levels of security measures in place to prevent them. So it stands to reason why a hospital, physician-owned clinic, or small private practice might have serious reservations when it comes to utilizing telemedicine. As we continue to look into new methods and manners of communication to best serve the health of our patients in the safest and most secure ways possible, we must proceed with optimistic caution.

Speaking of opportunities, the Polk County Medical Association (PCMA) appointed delegates to represent our members and region at the Florida Medical Association Annual Meeting from July 31 to August 2. During this memorable event, our Board of Trustees Chair Dr. Ralph Nobo, Jr., was installed as the 139th FMA president. Congratulations to Dr. Nobo! The conference was held at the Disney Yacht and Beach Club in Orlando, and held many informative CME tracks, one of which included healthcare “hot topics” like the upcoming ICD-10 conversion as well as compliance plans as related to your practice and the use of EHR. If you have not already, then I definitely recommend you read the feature article in this edition about the help available for the ICD-10 coding transition.

Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to draw your attention to our upcoming Fifth Annual Casino Night fundraiser. This tradition is coming up Saturday, October 24, and will be hosted by Fields Motorcars Mercedes Benz, 4141 North Florida Avenue in Lakeland. Entertainment for the evening will include casino table games (played with fake currency, of course), as well as a silent auction, music, food, drinks, and more. The proceeds from this event go directly toward We Care of Polk County and the Polk County Medical Foundation.

For more information about the upcoming Casino Night fundraiser or how you can become a partnering sponsor for the event, please call Jackie Courtney in our office at (863) 644-4051 or email




Director of Radiation Oncology
St. Joseph’s Hospital, BayCare Health System
President, Polk County Medical Association

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