Word of Mouth: Myths about implants debunked, part II: Are they effective?

Working like your own teeth, dental implants are imbedded in your jaw bone; they offer a superior option over bridges and dentures. Implants look and feel like your natural teeth, but you may worry that they won’t be effective long-term. Look to the facts when considering the effectiveness of implants.

Myth: Dental Implants are too new and experimental

You may not have been hearing about implants for very long, but the fact of the matter is dental implants have been available to the public for 20 years and under research and medical scrutiny for 50.

Myth: Dental implants routinely fail

Dental implants replace lost teeth, so it’s natural to think that they will fall out eventually as well.  However, the success rate of implants is about 95 percent.  In terms of longevity, dental implants beat out bridges and dentures.  Dental figures show that most bridges and dentures need to be replaced within seven to 15 years and that they can even contribute to further tooth loss due to stress on adjacent teeth.

Myth: Implants don’t look or feel natural

Implants are made up of three parts: the implant in the jawbone, the abutment, and the crown.  The configuration is very similar to your natural teeth— much more so than bridges or dentures— and the crown looks and feels just like your other teeth.

In next month’s column, I’ll debunk some common myths that implants are too cost prohibitive.

This column is sponsored by Midtown Dental.



BIO: Dr. William Nerestant, DDS received his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from the University of Detroit/Mercy School of Dentistry in Michigan.  After serving and being recognized for his meritorious service in the Air Force as an officer in the Dental Corps, he currently serves patients at Midtown Dental in Lakeland.  For more information, visit www.mymidtowndental.com.

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