In this edition of Central Florida Doctor, we will be talking about the importance of being actively involved with your association. As the new president-elect for the Polk County Medical Association (PCMA), I’m joining fellow PCMA members in this effort to connect residents with “physician members who are dedicated to provide the highest quality of medical care with integrity and compassion.”
If you are not a member of the PCMA, then I encourage you to join. If you’re a member, but you have not participated in our quarterly meetings or events, I hope you will this year. Here’s a brief overview of what you’ll read about the PCMA inside this issue:
You’ll learn about the PCMA’s deep-rooted connection to the community and with medical professionals, plus, how we plan to grow and continue our mission in 2012. You’ll also learn about WE CARE of Polk County and other ways the organization is making a difference.
You’ll read about more reasons to join the organization and how it can benefit you and your practice.
You’ll be introduced to our board members. This way, at the next meeting or event when you see one of us, you can shake our hand and talk to us in person about your concerns or ideas for the local medical community.
If you missed the last dinner meeting on February 23, then please stay tuned for our next quarterly meeting in April at 6:00 p.m., which will be held at the Grasslands Country Club. Call the PCMA office to make your reservations. For more information, please call Jackie Courtney at PCMA’s office: 863-644-4051.
Richard Hamilton, MD
Ophthalmogist, Center for Retina and Macular Disease
President-Elect, Polk County Medical Association