We know the competition for your attention is high. It seems that everybody wants to pop into your email inbox these days. From stores and spam to utility bills, your inbox is the place to be. We don’t take that for granted.
If you are a regular reader of the Central Florida Health News newsletters we send out via email, you recently may have noticed something different.
In the past, we’ve sent out one monthly Central Florida Health News newsletter that contains all of our unique content from that month’s edition. In addition, we’ve been sending out weekly updates with the latest health press releases from around Central Florida.
To create a more streamlined approach, we’ll be breaking up the articles of each edition into weekly, bite-sized updates and combining them with the press releases so you can stay up to date without getting weighed down by long, cumbersome emails.
That way we keep you in the loop, but we don’t keep you from your busy schedule.
If you’re interested in subscribing to our newsletter, go to https://centralfloridamediagroup.com/enewsletters/