A Call to Action: Help Us Celebrate Nurses

If you’ve been following the news at any point in the past 10 years or so, you know that Florida is facing a grim reality when it comes to health care. According to a Florida Hospital Association report, the state is looking at a shortage of nearly 60,000 nurses by the year 2035. Needless to say, nurses are in short supply.

I don’t need to tell you how important nurses are to the integrity of our healthcare system. Granted, a deep appreciation for nurses was instilled in me at an early age. My mom was a nurse for the Polk County Health Department for many years, and I remember well the dedication and selflessness of her job. As I grew into an adult, I recognized those same traits in other nurses, regardless of facility or specialty. They really are a special class of their own.

That’s why we want your help marking National Nurses Month in May. We want our next edition of Central Florida Health News to celebrate the hardworking people who care for us day in and day out. We’d love to hear your stories of gratitude and feature them in the magazine. If a nurse has touched your life or you know one who works tirelessly to go above and beyond, we want to hear it. Send an email to Managing Editor Jessica McDonald at Je*****@Ce**********************.com and tell us your story!

Let’s make sure our nurses know they are valued. Thanks for reading, and God bless.

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