Editor’s Dose

‘Natural’ Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Harmless

People have been turning to herbal supplements since the beginning of time. In fact, many...

You’ve Heard of ‘Chillaxin,’ Now Meet ‘Stresslaxing’

If you live with anxiety, then you know it’s an ever-present struggle. The constant ruminating...

New Law Could Be a Life-Saver

In mid-May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a new study with a...

Understanding the Full Scope of Migraine

Education is an important aspect of awareness, especially when it comes to health and various...

Community Approach to Mental Health

The Let’s Talk Lkld: Health Care forum (page 10) generated a great discussion on not...

Move the Needle

Even though most people know the importance of physical activity, only about 22% of American...

‘Dog Person’ Is an Understatement

I’ll start off by saying this: I am that person. The person who will always...

The Light We Need to See

Too many times, it’s the grim headlines that readers get to see. You know the...

2023 at a Glance

As we get ready to start a new year and most people are looking ahead...

Spread Cheer, Not the Flu

Just as we begin to forge ahead into the holiday season, there’s a good chance...

We’re Just Getting Warmed Up

We just kicked off the fall 2023 season of the Central Florida Health Expo on...

Artificial Intelligence in the Medical Field

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the buzz surrounding artificial intelligence...

The Latest News Is Not What You’d Expect

If you’ve been reading news articles about Florida and health lately, you may be scratching...

Alzheimer’s Research Is On a Roll

There is some exciting news coming out of medical research lately, particularly as it pertains...

Summertime Is Tick Time

Skin care is an important topic, especially in the summer months here in Florida. We...

Tackling Challenges in the Healthcare Sector

At Central Florida Health News, we’re always trying to come up with newer, better ways...

It Takes a Special Kind of Nurse

When it comes time to celebrate nurses, I’m willing to bet most people are thinking...

New Partnerships & the Latest Offerings

Spring is a time of new beginnings, and that’s exactly what we’re doing here at...

Join Us for the Final Spring Expo

We want to thank all of the exhibitors who joined us for the Central Florida...

Not a Guarantee, but the Best Defense

Fresh off a two-week tangle with Covid in December, I’m grateful that I got vaccinated...

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