What You Can’t See Still Hurts

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness. Despite this, there remains a stigma that keeps many people from seeking the health care they need. 

One of the prevailing points that repeatedly surfaced as we put together the annual Mental Health edition of Central Florida Health News is that mental health problems are often an invisible illness. That’s just one of the driving factors behind mental health first aid, which is training that helps people learn to recognize individuals who are struggling and what you can say and do to help them.

Inside, we talk to Morgan Whitaker Smith, a licensed mental health counselor at Peace River Center who teaches mental health first aid classes, to find out more about this type of education.

Also inside, you’ll learn about the Heroes Wellness Collective, a new initiative here in Central Florida that aims to help veterans and first responders who are struggling with mental health challenges connect with the right people and resources that can help.

Plus, don’t miss out on our Pop Quiz, which takes a closer look at the role of serotonin in mental health. 

As we inch closer to the start of the new school year, vaccinations and physicals are top of mind. There’s been some buzz about whether EKGs would be beneficial for student athletes, so get the scoop from Polk County doctors inside.

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