Time for a heart-to-heart

The death of Lisa Marie Presley following cardiac arrest at age 54 shocked the nation and brought heart health to the forefront of our minds. February is American Heart Month, a time when Central Florida Health News takes a closer look at cardiovascular health in order to help you focus on your health. 

This month, we spoke with Winter Haven cardiologist Dr. Kollagunta Chandrasekhar about the various ways heart attack symptoms can vary based on gender. While both men and women often report chest pain as the primary symptom, a heart attack can cause other less-recognizable symptoms in women. The broader symptoms can complicate and delay a correct diagnosis.

Our Pop Quiz offers a crash course on the various types of arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, and our Community Feature explains why a multidisciplinary approach can be so beneficial when treating heart disease.

If you’re looking for something a bit lighter, check out our feature on how AdventHealth University is taking a hands-on approach by teaching students how to use puppets in Occupational Therapy.

Take a moment this month to check in with your heart, both for yourself and for the sake of those who love you. 

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