Pop Quiz: Test and Share Your Smarts for Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, so it’s a good time to explore this common disabling neurological disease. Take our quiz to learn the signs and symptoms, treatments, and other information about multiple sclerosis, also known as MS.

1. True or false? Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common disabling neurological disease of young adults.

2. Which of the following is the cause of MS?
A. When the cells in the body’s immune system attack the protective covering around the central nervous system’s nerves, called myelin, which disrupts signals to and from the brain. 
B. When the body’s immune system attacks the pancreas, making it unable to produce insulin.
C. When the body’s immune system overreacts to a harmless substance, like pollen or dander.
D. None of the above 

3. At what age range is it most likely for symptoms of MS to show up?
A. Ages 10 to 30
B. Ages 20 to 40
C. Ages 30 to 50
D. Ages 40 to 60

4. Which of the following are early symptoms of multiple sclerosis?
A. Vision problems, including blurred or double vision, pain with eye movement, and rapid vision loss.
B. Muscle weakness focused in the hands and legs, muscle stiffness along with painful muscle spasms.
C. Tingling, numbness, or pain in the arms, legs, trunk, or face.
D. Clumsiness, such as difficulty staying balanced when walking.
E. Trouble with bladder control.
F. Dizziness that is irregular or constant.
G. All of the above

5. Which of the following are symptoms of MS that develop later?
A. Fatigue—both mental and physical.
B. Mood changes, including depression, or difficulty expressing or controlling emotions. 
C. Cognitive dysfunction, such as difficulty concentrating, multitasking, thinking, learning, with memory, or with judgment.
D. All of the above

6. True or false? Women are more frequently affected by MS than men.

7. Which of the following are one of the forms of MS?
A. Relapsing-remitting MS. The disease progresses with attacks followed by periods of disease inactivity.
B. Secondary-progressive MS. The disease progresses with gradual and steady symptoms and deterioration in function after a history of MS attacks and disease inactivity.
C. Primary-progressive MS. The disease causes progressively worsening symptoms from the beginning with no noticeable relapses or exacerbations of the disease.
D. Progressive-relapsing. The disease progresses with a steady worsening of symptoms from the beginning with acute exacerbations of the disease.
E. All of the above

8. True or false? No single test can diagnose MS. A person’s medical history, neurologic exams, and lab tests help healthcare providers rule out other diseases and confirm the MS diagnosis.

9. Which of the following is NOT a factor that is believed to likely increase your risk of developing MS?
A. Smoking
B. Being infected with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which causes infectious mononucleosis.
C. Living in temperate areas such as the U.S. and Canada and having low Vitamin D levels.
D. Leading a sedentary lifestyle.

10. True or false? While there is a lot of research being done, there is currently no cure for MS.

11. Which of the following are treatment options for those with MS?
A. Corticosteroids, given intravenously and/or orally, that suppress the immune system and reduce inflammation.
B. Plasma exchange, where certain components are removed from the blood to treat severe flare-ups. 
C. Injectable medications, infusions, or oral drugs that modulate or suppress the immune system and/or the inflammatory reactions of the disease.
D. All of the above

compiled by ERIKA ALDRICH / Information provided by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and National Multiple Sclerosis Society


  1. True. MS is the most common disabling neurological disease of young adults.
  2. A. The body’s immune system attacks a certain part of the brain, and the damage disrupts messages being sent from the brain to the body.
  3. B. MS symptoms most commonly show up between ages 20 to 40.
  4. G. All of the Above
  5. D. All of the Above
  6. True. Women are more likely than men to develop MS.
  7. E. All of the Above
  8. True
  9. D. Leading a sedentary lifestyle has not been shown to increase the risk of developing MS, but all the others have been linked with an increased likelihood of developing MS.
  10. True 
  11. D. All of the Above

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