Editor’s Dose: Real change vs. empty promises

Here we are, at the dawn of a new year, and we each have an opportunity to challenge ourselves.  This is the time when we resolve to let go of bad habits and become better people.  Last year at this time, I didn’t want to make any empty promises.  So being the editor that I am, I made a short list.  I was very specific, and I kept that list in my wallet.  On a regular basis I would open the list and read it to remind myself what I was trying to achieve.  When I reached (or accomplished) the goal on the list, I would cross it off.  If you’re anything like me, you get deep satisfaction from crossing things off a list.  In my work, I get things done by deadlines and lists.  So why not treat my New Year’s Resolutions the same way?

For me, that list meant the difference between real change and empty promises.  Giving myself a list to focus on and keep close by was one way to hold myself accountable.  I also shared that list with my husband, and he reminded me of it every now and then to help me stay focused.  Again, whatever would hold me accountable to making that change a reality was a step I was willing to take.

This year, since it proved to be just the kind of accountability I needed, I’m doing it again with a new list (still very short, and very specific).  So my challenge to you is this: do whatever will hold you accountable to becoming a better person.  I hope you enjoy this edition of Central Florida Health News, and join us as a loyal reader for another great year!

Celeste Jo Walls, Editor

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