Publisher’s Note: An award-winning publication


AS PUBLISHERS of seven niche magazines and members of the Florida Magazine Association (FMA), we here at Central Florida Media Group entered Central Florida Health News in the association’s annual Charlie Awards. This prestigious competition attracts the best of the best publishers in Florida, and has been judging our state’s magazine industry since 1957.

We’re pleased to announce that your Central Florida Health News magazine was recognized in the Design Excellence category for Best Cover on an Association Publication.


This honor would not have been possible, of course, without our dedicated staff, our advertisers, and our loyal readers whom we serve. We are pleased to partner with the Polk County Medical Association to bring relevant, timely editorial coverage to our region. It is our goal to keep our readers informed through quality publishing, and receiving this award is one way that we are validated in that mission.

If we have our way, this certainly will not be the last time you hear about great news coming from my desk.

Thanks for reading Central Florida Health News!



Nelson Kirkland is publisher of Central Florida Health News. He may be reached by e-mail at

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