Presidents Column

Editor’s Dose: Keeping kids’ bodies and minds active this summer

WHEN I FIRST had the twins, my mom would say, “Have a schedule for them...

Family Health: Beat the heat with summer safety tips for health and wellness

FLORIDA IS NOTORIOUS for its hot, humid weather. During the summer months, take care to...

The importance of UV-blocking sunglasses

American Academy of Ophthalmology survey confirms need for more eye protection BEACH, THE POOL, the...

Think of your vacation as a vaca-shun

THERE’S A REASON PEOPLE need vacations and recreation. Vacate and re-create! Think of it as...

Health Facts: Getting to the heat of the matter

AS TEMPERATURES RISE in sunny Florida, so does your risk of developing heat exhaustion and...

Word of Mouth: Facts and myths about wisdom teeth — what you need to know

WHEN IT COMES to wisdom teeth and myths, the tall tales rank right up there...

Parker plays his part to help his fellow man

Raising awareness at Walk to Cure Arthritis Tampa event, and beyond PARKER LENTINI, a local...

A survivor’s take on prostate cancer

New technologies, support, and awareness give hope ONCE A MONTH, a small group of men...

Surgery Facts: Chronic acid reflux? You may have a hernia

MOST FOLKS associate a hernia with a swelling in the groin or belly, but the...

Medical Advice: Five easy steps to preserve a man’s health

JUNE IS MEN’S HEALTH MONTH. This is an important time of year to bring heightened...

Healthy Skin: Seniors and the increased risk of skin cancer

OUR SKIN needs protection at any age, but it’s doubly important for seniors. As we...

Where Florida ranks in WalletHub’s ‘2016 Best & Worst States for Doctors’

WITH THE ENORMOUS INVESTMENT of time and resources that goes into becoming a doctor, choosing...

Word of Mouth: Myths About Implants Debunked, Part III — Are they affordable?

IN MY LAST TWO COLUMNS, we debunked some common myths about the practicality and effectiveness...

Healthy Cook: Much ado about Mediterranean food

DIETS COME AND DIETS GO — South Beach, Grapefruit, Atkins, T-Factor, Cabbage Soup, Eat Just...

Editor’s Dose: A thank-you letter to nurses

FROM MID-FEBRUARY to about mid-April, my family was at the doctor’s office a lot. The...

Mental Health Moment: Isolation is alienation

Get out and about or stay in and be grim! WE USE SOLITARY CONFINEMENT to...

The rise of urgent care facilities and its relation to the consumerization of healthcare

CENTRAL FLORIDA DOCTOR caught up with Steve Sellars, the president of the Board of Directors...

Ask a PA Who Knows!: Indoor tanning myths debunked

… and why you should consider an alternate tanning method EVERYONE LIKES to look good...

Healthy Skin: May is Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month

“C’MON, DOC. What’s a little sunburn?” is a question I frequently hear from the public...

Cautions for two of your favorite summer activities

SPRING IS THE TIME OF YEAR in Florida when temperatures begin to warm and the...

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