Pop Quiz: Identifying Stress and Anxiety in Your Life

There’s no denying that we live in a stressful world, but stress and anxiety can develop into something much more serious. As the importance of mental health becomes more evident, the toll stress and anxiety can take becomes clearer. Stress, anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder are prevalent mental health concerns that can easily affect your quality of life. Take our pop quiz and learn to recognize stress, anxiety and general anxiety disorder to help yourself and your loved ones.

1.) True or false? Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults each year.

2.) Approximately how many people living with anxiety disorders in the U.S. get treatment?

  1. 12.4 percent
  2. 36.9 percent
  3. 57.5 percent
  4. 75.2 percent

3.) Which of the following is the difference between stress and anxiety?

  1. Stress is short-term, and anxiety is long-term.
  2. Stress is the result of external causes, while anxiety is the result of internal causes and is characterized by a “persistent feeling of apprehension or dread” in situations that are not actually threatening.
  3. Stress is not dangerous to your health, while anxiety is.
  4. The emotional and physical symptoms of stress and anxiety are completely different.

4.) Which of the following is/are possible signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety? 

  1. Uneasiness, irritability, anger and/or tension 
  2. Headaches, muscle pain and/or high blood pressure 
  3. Fatigue and/or loss of sleep
  4. Digestive troubles 
  5. All of the above

5.) True or false? Stress and anxiety affect all systems of the body including the musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, nervous, and reproductive systems.

6.) Which of the following is/are a coping mechanism for stress and short-term anxiety?

  1. Physical activity 
  2. A nutritious and varied diet 
  3. Good sleep hygiene
  4. Relaxation training and meditation
  5. All of the above

7.) True or false? Long-term anxiety can be an anxiety disorder, such as generalized anxiety disorder, which is defined as excessive, hard-to-control worry occurring most days over six months accompanied by the physical symptoms of anxiety.

8.) Which of the following is an estimate of how many Americans will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetimes?

  1. 1 percent
  2. 11 percent
  3. 21 percent
  4. 31 percent


9.) Which of the following is a treatment for anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder?

  1. Psychotherapy, like cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy.
  2. Medication 
  3. A combination of psychotherapy and medication.
  4. None of the above.

10.) What should you do if you think you have an anxiety disorder like generalized anxiety disorder?

  1. Try to relax.
  2. Drink less caffeine.
  3. See a mental health therapist.
  4. Avoid all stress and anxiety triggers.

compiled by ERIKA ALDRICH / Information provided by: The American Psychological Association and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing


  1. True. In the U.S., 40 million adults suffer from anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), making them the most common type of mental illness.
  2. B. 36.9 percent. Only just over a third of those who suffer from anxiety disorders get treatment.
  3. B. Stress is caused by external forces, and anxiety is caused by internal forces, oftentimes without reason.
  4. E. All of the above. There are many physical, mental, and emotional symptoms of stress and anxiety.
  5. True. Stress and anxiety can exacerbate and/or be the root cause of many injuries and physical and mental illnesses and conditions.
  6. E. All of the above. There are many coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and/or short-term anxiety.
  7. True. Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental illness and can be disruptive to a person’s normal life.
  8. D. 31 percent. Nearly a third of all Americans will experience an anxiety disorder in the course of their lives.
  9. C. A combination of psychotherapy and medication. Mental health therapists can help anxiety sufferers choose the right combination of therapies.
  10. C. See a mental health therapist. Anxiety disorders require greater attention and care than average stress or short-term anxiety.

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