Paving a Path to the Future of Nursing

If you regularly read Central Florida Health News, you’ve heard us discuss the nursing shortage that plagues not only Central Florida, but the nation as a whole. What you may not have heard is that according to a 2023 survey, Florida hospitals are seeing a 38% reduction in nurse turnover and vacancy rates. The vacancy rate for registered nurses has fallen from 22% to 13%. That’s a solid improvement, but the efforts that have moved the needle need to be continued, especially in light of the immense growth in Central Florida’s healthcare industry.

In this edition, we talk about the schools that are making the youth of today into the nurses of the tomorrow. Nursing program administrators from Florida Southern College, Southeastern University, and Polk State College weigh in on strategies they are using to expand outreach and draw more students into the profession. 

That need is driven by marked growth in facilities across the county. Inside, we delve into the new VA Clinic that just opened in Lakeland, as well as the planned four-story clinic Central Florida Health Care is building at its Lakeland site near Bryant Stadium.

As always, don’t forget to test yourself with our quiz and use our calendar to plan your way to better health!

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