Dr. Gerald V. Cerdan

Holiday Tips for a Healthy Smile

Holiday season is fast approaching, and with it all the treats and goodies that are synonymous with the season. At Winter Haven Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we want to help you protect your teeth throughout the year, without forsaking the tasty foods and beverages that will be offered over the next few months. Here are a few tips for taking care of your teeth while indulging in seasonal fare.


Take Care of Your Teeth During the Holidays

  • Moderation is important. There will be a lot of sweet and acidic treats and beverages available, from pumpkin pie and hot cocoa to candies and cookies. It’s okay to indulge in these fun goodies, but take it easy. Make the choice to limit your intake of potentially harmful foods.
  • Drink lots of water. Water is always your go-to healthy choice when it comes to beverages, and is especially important during the holidays. Drink some water after a sweet or acidic treat to help wash away harmful bacteria and acids. 
  • Take time for good oral hygiene. This is important year-round, but we understand that things get hectic around the holidays and it can be easy to skip some things. Don’t skip brushing and flossing your teeth daily. Spend at least two minutes twice a day brushing. Add some brushing or antimicrobial mouth rinse after snacks that contain a lot of sugar or acid.
  • Schedule an appointment for after the holidays. You should be visiting your dentist twice a year for regular checkups. It is a good idea to have one of those appointments immediately following the holidays. You’ve just exposed your teeth to extra amounts of sugary and acidic foods and beverages, so it’s a good time to just get a good cleaning and check done. 


So enjoy your holidays, and all the delicious cuisine associated with them. Just remember to keep these few simple tips in mind to best preserve your smile. When it’s time for your next checkup, give us a call at Winter Haven Family & Cosmetic Dentistry.



Dr. Gerald Cerdan has been practicing dentistry in Winter Haven since 2007. He is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the Florida Dental Association, the American Dental Association, and the Polk County Dental Association. The team at Winter Haven Family and Cosmetic Dentistry is committed to providing high-quality care for all their patients, and Dr. Cerdan is skilled in using cutting-edge technologies to give patients smiles they can be proud of.

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