Health News
Pop Quiz: Yoga Is More Powerful Than You Think
Yoga has been practiced for at least 5,000 years, and with good reason. It’s good for you in a number of different ways. The health benefits—physical, mental, and emotional—of yoga are numerous, and it’s a practice that can be taken up at any age. Take our quiz and test your knowledge of the health benefits…
Chill and Relax
Cryotherapy a Quick, Holistic Option for a Wide Range of Ailments by MARY TOOTHMAN Cryotherapy enthusiasts can recite a lengthy and varied list of ailments, issues and challenges that may be treated with the icy cold form of holistic therapy — now available in several locations in Central Florida. While some of us may…
Health Hero
Lisa Moseley’s Fundraising Prowess Brings New Visibility to Peace River Center by TIM CRAIG Lisa Moseley would likely never use the term “hero” to describe herself, but to those who know her, the word “champion” may spring to mind. Moseley is one of the Peace River Center’s most vocal champions, chairing one of its most…
Senior Care: Improving the senior lifestyle with a healthy diet and exercise
ONE OF THE BEST and easiest paths to good health is through healthy eating and exercise. Yet, many wonder exactly what that may look like, especially for their senior loved ones. In truth, however, healthy nutrition and staying active does not have to be complicated. Below you’ll find recommendations for diet from the Dietary Guidelines…
Healthy Cook: Three steps to make positive strides toward portion control
HERE WE GO AGAIN. It’s that time of year when we look at our waistlines with disbelief — like the creeping credit card bill — “Where did all that come from?” It’s a case of, “If you don’t eat it, it doesn’t end up around your middle.”
Publisher’s Note: Save the dates for these Central Florida Health Expo shows
ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, we hosted our inaugural Central Florida Health Expo. We’re pleased to report that the event was a success! In fact, it was such a success that we have booked three more expos for the 2017 calendar year.