Health News


  • It Takes a Community

    It Takes a Community

    We Care of Central Florida’s Project Think Pink Helps Uninsured Women Get Screening, Treatment by TERESA SCHIFFER Did you know that one in eight women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime? Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and the second-leading cause of cancer death…

  • Misinformation Is Contagious: Sort Fact From Fiction on the HPV Vaccine

    Misinformation Is Contagious: Sort Fact From Fiction on the HPV Vaccine

    Vaccinations are important shots that people need to get to protect against serious diseases.  You may have heard reports on the news recently about the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. With all the buzz, it can be hard to sort fact from the fiction. Test your knowledge by taking our quiz and learn how to ensure…

  • Health Savings Accounts Have More to Offer Than You Think

    Health Savings Accounts Have More to Offer Than You Think

    by MARY TOOTHMAN As the number of people with high-deductible health insurance plans continues to rise, the option of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) —  created to help handle out-of-pocket expenses — is likely to attract more interest. An HSA can be funded with pre-tax money, allowing for $3,400 for individual and $6,750 for families annually…


  • Get Going Into The New Year

    Get Going Into The New Year

    As we usher in the new year, many plan to make health and wellness a priority. Optimal health, defined as physical, mental  and social wellbeing can be challenging for many to achieve . Here are some tips for starting a good healthy lifestyle in the new year Get up and go: jump into exercise from…

  • It Takes a Community to Heal A Warrior

    It Takes a Community to Heal A Warrior

    The holiday season is a time of catching up with friends and family and spending time with loved ones. Unfortunately for many veterans suffering from PTSD and their families, it can be a challenging and stressful time of year. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, each day 22 veterans take their own lives. It…

  • Three Reasons to Smile This Holiday Season

    Three Reasons to Smile This Holiday Season

    by GERALD V. CERDAN, DMD Since this is the Health & Beauty Edition and the holidays are up on us, let’s switch it up a bit and talk about how a beautiful smile can change how you look and feel for the better. It’s not uncommon for someone with a cracked tooth or yellow enamel…

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