Health News
Pop Quiz: Yoga Is More Powerful Than You Think
Yoga has been practiced for at least 5,000 years, and with good reason. It’s good for you in a number of different ways. The health benefits—physical, mental, and emotional—of yoga are numerous, and it’s a practice that can be taken up at any age. Take our quiz and test your knowledge of the health benefits…
Chill and Relax
Cryotherapy a Quick, Holistic Option for a Wide Range of Ailments by MARY TOOTHMAN Cryotherapy enthusiasts can recite a lengthy and varied list of ailments, issues and challenges that may be treated with the icy cold form of holistic therapy — now available in several locations in Central Florida. While some of us may…
Health Hero
Lisa Moseley’s Fundraising Prowess Brings New Visibility to Peace River Center by TIM CRAIG Lisa Moseley would likely never use the term “hero” to describe herself, but to those who know her, the word “champion” may spring to mind. Moseley is one of the Peace River Center’s most vocal champions, chairing one of its most…
Demystifying the Eyedrop Aisle
Many eye disorders can be treated effectively with eye drops and products found over the counter at the local pharmacy and grocery stores. But with so many options on the shelves, finding the right product for your needs can be overwhelming and confusing. Your eye doctor can provide you with specific recommendations based on your…
The Role of Exercise in Vascular Disease Prevention
Spring is such a lovely time! We hope everyone has gotten used to the time change for Daylight Savings Time. There are flowers everywhere and new green leaves on the trees and birds chirping. All the more reason for us to get out of our homes and get some exercise. This is the fifth…
Doc, I Have Type II Diabetes. Will I Go Blind?
Patients who present with a diabetes history are worried about their vision. If the patient has type II Diabetes Mellitus, the following is the discussion I have with the patient to simplify the pathophysiological process that occurs in a person with diabetes. When the patient with type II diabetes presents for an eye exam, I…